
By: Dawson Plaster

I Wish

To create new and innovative objects

For the joy of finding a new building block of the universe

To write the published wonder that will spread throughout the world

To smell the delicious food in front of me, soon to be in cookbooks everywhere

For the tiring but interesting duty of running thousands of electrical appliances

For the hard-earned, cold, smooth card in my pocket

For the wind in my hair and the spray of the ocean flying at me

To zoom through the air with a lightweight backpack

To travel Down, Down, Down to the darkest, warmest places on Earth

For the joy of playing with many furry and feathery friends

To provide temporary shelter and lasting memories

To tame the beast as fast as a jet

For the shaking, crushing speed hurtling toward a large object

To feel the club’s resistance as it strikes something, and seeing the white streak fly away

For the jostling but weightless ride in a place

where I can see home