Letters from College

By: Megan Schrek

Hey, I miss you

School started yesterday and

I really couldn’t stand

You not being there

They had a pasta bar in the cafeteria

The germs wouldn’t mesh well with your hypochondria,

But the butter noodles were okay

Watched some football today, too

Yellow and blue

I still don’t understand how the score works

I made a friend in history, she reminds me of you

But she never wants to pick what we do

I miss you bossing me around

The parties are fun

But no one knows yet when to be done

So I end up cleaning for hours every morning, singing Johnny

Cash out of tune

I’ll see you soon


Hey, I miss you

School starts tomorrow

And I have nothing to wear except the

Black jeans you let me borrow

I’ve been practicing for weeks but still

can’t find the lunchroom without a map,

And I’m afraid of spilling food on my lap

Watched some football today,

It’s so much easier to follow

When you’re just passing the ball over

The field

I made a friend in history, she reminds me of you

But always wants to pick the music we drive to

I miss bossing you around

The parties are lame

Because everyone has been drinking since sixteen, and no one

knows our favorite game

I’ll see you soon