
By: Romila Santra

Mother is marrying Big Joe.

Why she decided to, I do not know.

Doesn’t she know,

She is betraying Father?

Doesn’t she know I don’t want to be a daughter,

To anyone but Father?

But I am torn.

Squeezie says Mother will feel forlorn,

If I tell her what I really think

If I tell her that I don’t want them together,

Connected, like a link.

If only Father were here

I wish he hadn’t disappeared.

Like a candle, suddenly blown out.

Like a flower’s petals,

Drifting slowly down to Earth

Without a single doubt

Right now, they both look so happy,

Dancing together and acting all sappy

Mother is finally again in love

Mother is floating above the ground,

Just as a dove.

I have decided

I must sacrifice.

For my Mother, as a daughter, I must suffice.

I still do not fully approve this,

All this marrying and betraying father

But for my Mother, I give my consent.

For my Mother, who is now finally
