Love Overpowers Evil

By: Maddie Miguel

An ordinary villager was he

Poor and only twenty-three

His name was Benjamin

And the princess’s heart he wished to win.

The Princess he so wanted to have

But knowing his chances, he grew sad

Then one day a knight asked for her hand

Promised her love, trust, and romance

She did not love him, she was unsure

Of the way this knight courted her

He seemed to be hiding something behind his grin

An evil plan formulating within

The knight’s evil plan was this

To kill her after their wedding kiss

The princess, not knowing his plan, agreed

The knight was becoming very pleased

Late one night before the wedding day

Benjamin heard of the princess’s name

He tipped toed to the people talking

Feeling like a lion stalking

He hid behind a wagon filled with hay

Heard the knight’s evil plan this way

The knight talked of how to kill his bride

Should he poison her or use a sharp knife

But then he thought of the most perfect way

To take her home after the wedding and say

“Let us celebrate and have some wine.

Cheers to you, my beautiful bride”

He’ll put the poison in and let her drink

Until she faints into a deadly sleep

Then he’ll make up a story of her dying

As he begins falsely crying

If it works he’ll gain her kingdom, and crown

And have all of her people bow down

To him their very new king in power

As he raises their taxes growing richer each hour

After hearing all this Benjamin went into a rage

At this knight to whom the Princess was engaged

Benjamin wanted to protect the princess from this foe

So he formed a clever plan of his own

In the morning on the wedding day

Of all things it began to rain

Thunder and lightening the sky seemed to roar

It was as if the gods were telling him to be warned

Of the dark act the knight would do this day

If the princess, would not be saved

A loud boom rang throughout the church

As the priest was on his final verse

The knight impatiently waited for that time

When the priest said “you may kiss the bride”

He gave her a quick peck

Picked her up and left

But Benjamin stopped the knight in mid-step

Scared, he swallowed and said

“I know of your evil plan dear knight

And I wish to fight you, for I love your wife

I might be poor and only twenty-three

And compared to you I’m fairly weak

But my heart is big and my love is strong

And without her I simply can’t go on”

He set her down gently, and picked up his blade

And Benjamin began to fear he would be slain

But he scrounged up confidence and began to fight

All for the love of this knight’s new wife

The knight was fierce with no mercy

Benjamin was defending himself with no hurry

He just blocked every blow the knight made

And a smile started to spread on his face

He felt as though he could really win this fight

Even before the day turned to night

But then all of the sudden by complete surprise

After the knight got that strange look in his eyes

He stabbed poor Benjamin in the chest

And he fell to ground in distress

The knight chuckled evilly at his pain

And instantly thought he had just won the game

So while his back was turned and unaware

Benjamin leaped up as he was unprepared

He stabbed him in his back until it bled

Took back his sword and left him dead

After this dreadful fight

He just looked at the dead knight

Until the princess came to him

Smiling she looked at him and said

“Oh thank you so much for saving my life

I never ever wanted to be his wife

Your courage is that of a lion’s

And your heart is as big as giants

Never have I met a great man like you

With such strength, passion and virtue”

He smiled when he heard her say this

And pulled her close to him and gave her a kiss

Benjamin has found his happy ending

And also a new beginning

For a new happy life he was to ingress

With his new wife, the princess