where sweat accumulated

By: Olivia Williams

crest of my shoulder

fold of my thigh

my right collarbone

is stickier than my left

heather grey shirt

glommed to the small of my back

the armpits

always the armpits

advertising to all

“heat was here”

center forehead

smack dab, you could

graph the point

two steps below my hairline

three paces above my eyebrows

dead center to my nose

speaking of, below my nose

septum, pooled into by my nostrils

right, mostly

the left ankle

damper than the right

behind the knee, believe it or not

an oily pool gathers

yet when I’ve sat

skin dried in the climate-controlled air

I raise my arms

as one final test

the upper chest, just below my neck

feels the coldest.