aunties' feet

By: Octavia Williams

Bony fingers whipping, winding, wrinkling ‘cross my scalp

Heat near ears - don’t do it - yep, she’s scalded me

“Girl, don’t wail like that!” Popped with comb

Wince and whine, smile inside - aunties like this are rare

No they’re not, dime a dozen, priceless

Only found in corner liquor stores

Smoky bus stops, beauty supply shops

And in the whites of church mothers’ eyes

My feet will be aunties’ feet someday,

Mantled in little white heels

Peppered with peeling red bunions

Ice box stocked with sweet tea

And little butter bowls boasting everything but butter

Vaselined teeth and white musk doused down my blouse

My feet will be aunties’ feet someday.