
By: Anonymous

i don’t leave my house except for

school and work, both of which

i dread with anxiety like gym

weights. i never work out either

because there are people who

watch me, every hour of the day.

i listen to music to make sure i

don’t think any thoughts because

people can read them and this i

know for a fact and no one will ever

be able to prove me one hundred

percent wrong and i will never know

so it’s better to be cautious and

search every room for hidden

cameras because these people are

watching me in my own house and

everyone in the world is in on it and

i am the only real thing in this world

and it’s too scary to go out to the

real world with too many variables

and unknowns when my mind is

safe my mind tells me the truth

about the people who watch

me and i am not crazy like my

psychiatrist says it’s up to me

to look out for myself and he says

that i’m paranoid because i am

lonely and it gives me self-

importance but i know he’s the

crazy one here not me please

tell me i’m not crazy because

i’m not, i’m not, i’m not i am NOT