The Fishbowl Theory

By: Chloe Schoenfeld

A fish doesn’t know what water is
But I think the water is full of-

You need to clean your room, honey.

The answers don’t matter nearly

-I know, I will.

As much as the act of asking

Do you have homework tonight? Maybe we can
watch something after dinner.

But I digress

-No, I have a bunch of homework, sorry.

Maybe my fishbowl is the best

How have you been? I haven’t seen you at all today.

Place in the world or

-I’m okay. I’m just tired. Things have been...
happening. I don’t know. Its weird.

Maybe it is the only place in the

I’m sorry to hear that, honey. Can you tell me
more over dinner? I’d love to talk to you.


-Sure. Yeah.

And everyone else is merely

Okay. I love you.

A reflection in the glass

-I love you too mama.