Valedictorian Gift

By: Wyatt Vaughn

Three strings across my body,
Pinky and thumb pinching each fraying end.
Pulled across my chest, three strands
Strung taught in my open arms.

And white.

The fibers sliced into the so bedding
Of my thumb’s print
As I pulled the strings into
An irrevocable knot.

And white.

And you lay in the sun– suspended by
Water– and I sat by your side
In the shade.
How could you not know what I was doing?

And white.

Wrapping each color around my finger,
I formed a figure four and pulled the string
Whispering an intention into each knot,

Pink: I hope you heal– that you grow and
Your heart scabs and recovers from the
Damage of my absence

Blue: I hope you realize– that your mind will
Become a mirror and clarity will wash it clean

White: I hope you forgive me– that you will
One day see why I le, and expunge me of a crime I didn’t commit.

And I murmur my last wish,
And you return from the sun,
And you give me your hand
So I take it and tie the band on

Soon I’ll be gone,
By my own accord,
And all I’ll then be will exist
And white,
Wrapped around your wrist.