JoCoLibrary Uncovered

Did you hear? Ep. 12: BLACK MARIAH THEATER


Welcome to the Johnson County Library Podcast! "Did you hear?" is where you'll find all things audio that we produce here at the Library. That might be Librarians talking about upcoming events, guest speakers, interviews with your favorite authors, or live local music recorded at one of our branches. 

For more episodes, be sure to visit our podcast page.

Did you hear? Ep. 11: MACKENZIE REED

Enjoy the classical piano compositions of MacKenzie Reed. They're dazzling, adventurous, narrative-driven, melodic and 100% enjoyable! 

Did you hear that Libraries rock?

We partnered with the Johnson County Arts and Heritage Center and all summer we've brought you some pretty impressive free concerts! In case you missed Local Music Live: Rewound this past Friday, fear not! We will post the full concert a month from now. In the meantime, here is the full concert from last month: Local Music Live: Duncan Burnett! Enjoy!

Did you hear about Movie in the Park?

Library event coordinator Joseph Keehn talks about Movie in the Park. He gets quizzed on his knowledge about Mary Poppins, Cabaret and just how many movies star Kevin Bacon!  

Be sure to get all of the Movie in the Park dates into your calendar!

"Did you hear?" is where you'll find all things audio that we produce here at the Library. That might be Librarians talking about upcoming events, guest speakers, interviews with your favorite authors, or live local music recorded at one of our branches.

Did you hear that the end of Summer Reading is just the beginning?

This is a very special episode of Did you hear? OK, who are we fooling? They're all very special episodes! This one is a visit with Youth Services Librarian Jennifer Reeves. She gives a recap of our 2018 Summer Reading program! Spoiler alert: it was an amazing success! She also lets you know what little ones, kids and teens can look forward to next! 

Did you hear The Black Creatures?

We feature The Black Creatures of Kansas City in this special music episode of Did you hear?

"I'm an exhausted temptress—BFFs with my mattress."

In case you didn't know, Did you hear is the Johnson County Library Podcast! It's where you'll find everything audio that we produce here at the Library. That might be Librarians talking about upcoming events, bibliophiles bantering about books, interviews with your favorite authors, or live local music recorded in our branches like this one!

Did you hear about our writing contests?

Reference Librarian Helen Hokanson says:

"Oh, the writing contests are GREAT!"

Are they? Are they "really" great? And if the Writing Contests are really great, just how great is "really" great? We ask the hard hitting questions in this investigative episode of Did you hear? We get answers! Can you handle the truth?

Did you hear about our exhibitions?

We get so thrilled about our art exhibitions at many of our locations. But when one of those artists—especially one that is as interesting and talented as Sterling Witt—is coming for a Meet the Artist visit, we get downright elated! Listen to the latest episode of Did you hear? We talk exhibitions, Sterling, and ... Love? 

Meet the Artist: Sterling Witt

Wednesday, July 18

Lackman Library

Did you hear that storyteller Priscilla Howe is coming?

In this episode of Did you hear?, Youth Services Librarian Dennis Ross talks about his favorite storyteller, Priscilla Howe who will be visiting Wednesday, July 18 at two of our locations!

Did you hear Dreamgirl1?

Did you hear about our partnership with the Johnson County Arts & Heritage Center? We're hosting some pretty amazing local live music for you this summer! Check out our calendar chock-full of great acts! Did you miss our first featured artist Dreamgirl1? No worries! You can listen to the full performance in this podcast episode. And, don't miss our second performance in the series: Olathe-based hip-hop artist Duncan Burnett this Friday! But, if you can't make it for some reason, we've got your back. We'll post an audio recording on Did you hear?