JoCoLibrary Uncovered

Podcast Topic: Fall Theme!

In this episode, host Dave Carson introduces Melissa Horak-Hern as the new co-host of the Did you hear? podcast! They dive into our Fall 2019 trimesterly theme for our programs: "Unlocking the Mind." They also reveal all of the amazing podcast episode topics for the next four months!

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New Podcast Episode

Johnson County Movie Theater History, Career and Finance, and Bookstores

In this episode of Did you hear?, host Dave Carson and Librarian Mike Keller give you the inside story on what it was like to visit and work at Johnson County movie theaters back in the day! They also chat about the 4-part jocohistory series about the local chain of Dickinson movie theaters!

Then, our weekly Library Community Calendar highlight: career and finance Librarian Marty Johannes brings Karen Silins of A-Plus Career and Resume by to preview resume and interviewing events!

Plus, Dave tells ya about our bookstores!

New Podcast Episode!

West African Talking Drum and Improv, ELL, and Books to Go!

In this episode of Did you hear? Jennifer Reeves and Chris Koppenhaver talk Let's Improv! and the West African Talking Drum,

Then, we give you a behind-the-scenes listen! Our English Language Learning (ELL) Conversation Group volunteers share why they spend every weekend helping non-native speakers become proficient at English.

Dave also tells you about our 6by6 books to go!


Music and Movies in the Park, Modern Day Fitzgerald, and Books in español

In this episode of Did you hear? – the Johnson County Library podcast – Bryan Voell pops by to discuss music and movies in the park. Then, Mica Elgin-Vi of Modern Day Fitzgerald joins the conversation. Also, Dave then shares a DYI about books in español! It's funny, informative and compelling. Give it a listen and then consider subscribing!

Summer Maker Passport, Cedar Roe Turns 50, and Bookmarkable

Look for the Johnson County Library podcast right here every Monday at noon!

In this episode of Did you hear, the Nick and Thomas from the MakerSpace introduce the new Maker Passport Program! Then we wish Cedar Roe Library a happy 50th birthday. Plus, Dave explains bookmarkable.

Stay Home and Read a Book Ball, Meet the Illustrator, Teen Fiction for Adults, and Book Groups

In this episode of Did you hear?, The Johnson County Library Foundation drops by to promote our Stay Home and Read a book Ball. Then, Youth Services Librarian Christina Larkins pops by with children’s book illustrator Bob Kolar to talk about his latest book: Hey-Ho to Mars we Go! And if that wasn’t enough, Gregg Winsor and Allison Schwartz talk teen fiction for adults!

And, our host Dave Carson celebrates book groups!


Mysteries VS Thrillers, Summer Reading Book Clubs, Bestsellers

In this episode of Did you hear?, Gregg Winsor clears up the conundrum of how mysteries differ from thrillers. But first, Youth Services Librarians Dawna OfstehageMichelle Ranney, and Chris Koppenhaver discuss summer reading book clubs.

And, our host Dave Carson salutes bestsellers!

Now Presenting Writing Contest Winners, and Books for Busy People

In this episode of Did you hear? Gregg Winsor and Matt Crist talk books for busy people. But first, Helen Hokanson presents our writing contest winners. Martha Gershun, Kayla Wiltfong, Tim Tankard, Mary Silwance read their winning entries!

And, our host Dave Carson gives a shout out to our blog!

Martha's winning entry

Kayla's winning entry

Mary's winning entry

Now Presenting events in our calendar.

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Summer Program Preview Pleases Patrons!

We devote this entire podcast episode to preview our summer programs! Customer Experience Communication team members help you navigate the universe of events we're offering! Amy Field, Ben Oglesby, and Christopher Leitch join host Dave Carson to explore all things fun!

From Summer Reading, to an astronaut visit, to movies under the stars, to book sales, to a not-to-be-missed party ... it's a total blast!

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