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Lenexa City Center Holds Lobby
Holds Lobby
Located inside the Library at the parking garage level entrance. Pick up holds during Library hours, or during extended hours with a Holds Lobby Pass. This service is available to patrons age 18 and older with a library card in good standing. You must register in person at Lenexa City Center Library for this service. To use the Holds Lobby, sign in to your Library Account and select "Lenexa Library" as your Holds Pickup Location. (Holds placed for pick-up at "Lenexa Library" are only available INSIDE in the Holds Lobby.)
Lenexa City Center Drive-Thru
Enjoy the convenience of staying in your car to return materials and pick up holds outside the Library, in the adjacent parking garage. To use this service you must specifically request your holds pick-up at the Drive-Thru. Sign in to your Library Account and select "Lenexa Library Drive-Thru" as your Holds Pickup Location. (Holds placed for pick-up at "Lenexa Library Drive-Thru" are only available OUTSIDE at the Drive-Thru in the Parking Garage.)
The Drive-thru hours match the building hours, which are:
Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m.-8 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Sunday: 1 p.m.-5 p.m.
Now at Leawood: Michael Schmaltz
After a diagnosis of severe post-traumatic stress disorder in 2011, Michael Schmaltz underwent several therapy sessions involving art. In 2012 he decided to buy oil paint and canvasses and started a series of self-portraits. He paints portraits of women because they can show emotion without judgment. This collection, entitled the Thousand Yard Stare, depicts the eyes of a person after the horror of war.
Spring Preview
Baby, it's cold outside. But SPRING is coming!!! And, the Library has programs that will not only warm your soul, but defrost your brain as well.
In this episode of Did you hear?, our hosts Dave Carson and Melissa Horak-Hern chat with Christopher Leitch, Ben Oglesby, and Amy Field, about what’s to come in the next few months at the Library! Spoiler alert: it's hot stuff!
elementia Call for Submissions
Calling teen creators: elementia is a literary arts magazine published to represent and uplift young adults. We accept original poetry, fiction, nonfiction, graphic stories, photography and illustrations.
Everything and all of us are connected on every conceivable scale, from the subtle subatomic bonds in the smallest building blocks of matter to the massive interconnected root system of the 80,000 year old Pando aspen grove.
In our hectic modern world people build bridges, knock down walls and create networks to fight isolation and forge strong connections around the globe. Ideas and inspiration spread across the boundaries of location, medium, class and culture: mind maps on cosmic scale. We are each a collection of connections, our root systems shaped by influences of our families, friends, collaborators and heroes. Our links and bonds each tell a story about who we are and where we’ve been.
Whether you answer by pulling back to see this web from afar, or by closely tracing each filament to its root, our question for this elementia is: what connects you?
Submit your original poetry, short stories, essays, comics, or artwork through February 1, 2020.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Over this past year our Did you hear? podcast gained over 100 subscribers and our 32 episodes have been downloaded over 5,000 times! Thank You!!!
Have a look back—err—listen back, to the best reader's advisory episodes of 2019. So many of our Librarians dropped by this past year to share gems within genres. We hope their recommendations made your year richer!
Heidi Lynne Gluck
Though Lawrence-based musician Heidi Lynne Gluck has served as a seasoned hand in a number of bands throughout her career (Juliana Hatfield’s Some Girls, Margot and the Nuclear So and Sos, The Only Children), her recent solo work shows that in addition to being a skilled multi-instrumentalist, her exceptional songwriting chops can steal the show. We caught up with Gluck to discuss some of her music career and what is on the horizon. Enjoy!