

The Beard

By Rachel Stander

You walked into class two minutes late.

I noticed immediately; you were freshly shaved.

From the top of your sideburns all the way down. You had a baby face.

You looked the same as the day we met, back in the sixth grade, when we were full of optimism.

Life as a Forgotten Piece

By Savanna Bright

The cold gross floors

Stomp, stomp, stomp

Black tiny spaces

In shoes that stink

Im confined for hours upon hours

The rigid concrete tears holes in me

get lost in the bed sheets


By Perry Gross

I get hit in the face... a lot. Dodge balls, basketballs, volleyballs, tennis balls, doors, walls, bird crap, baseball bats, rogue hands, flying sand, and just about anything else you can think of. Everything just seems to have an affinity for my face.

Dr. Suess-Athon

By Nick Wassmer

When so many things stop and they clatter, up in the jabambaway things hip, hop and shatter. For up in this place a great WHO lurks about For the little who-whoians ask and they pout. For the lorax knows best, so the Lorax puts those who-whoians to the ultimate test!!

MAP Testing

By Stephanie Kontopanos

“Take all the time you need,”

They said.

But now I’d much rather be in bed,

Because I’m 76 today.

My life is beginning to fade away.

“Take all the time you need,”

They said.

I hope you’re happy.

Now I’m dead.