on being called a gaslighter

By: Stephania Kontopanos

PART I: AI is created

I think God made you and me out of binary code You call me an enigma,

But I do not speak your language. You would be the 1’s.

Standing tall

Always at the top

Perfect Aryan halo on your head I would be the 0’s.


Zero is nothing.

Zero is the void, the infinite pit In my stomach

As I say

“Yes, I can’t be trusted.” “Yes, I am wrong.” “Yes, I am a gaslighter.”

Part II: AI is reprogrammed

I was forced to watch 1000 hours of emotional abuse short films. I was forced to watch 1000 hours of

Every thought i had Every word i said Every action i took

I reached into myself on a cellular




I came out with nothing but

miles and miles of frayed, organ-colored wires that i’m still trying to untangle

A cat’s cradle that you toy with until my stomach is whirring and

everything i never said is coming up and out




I think about myself so much i’m almost as narcissistic as you.

Part III: AI is shut down

Error: Bluetooth Connection Failing

The wires connecting me to my outlets have been severed Use the cord to charge your phone

Call it innovation

Your connection is stronger than ever Because I am being kept secret

Part IV: AI is recycled

I’m not afraid to use the word narcissist now. See?




The search bar swallows my question

Learning that even code can feel a lump in the throat It taunts me as, for a nanosecond, I am

Met with a page of links in periwinkle purple I have been here before.

And it disappears.

error 404 page not found


error 404 page not found

Perhaps my screen is broken Computer knows best

(How did he reprogram Google?