Big Brother

By: Robert Williams

My big brother was shot and killed late night October 17th

At a house party just relaxing trying to do his thing

Got into an Altercation but decided to walk away

But the oppose continued agitating all out of his rage

They got into a scuffle that’s when 7 shots rang out

Took 4 to the stomach 2 to the chest and 1 to the neck

Got the call early morning that following day

Had an unbelievable astonishment that fell upon me

Time had froze I was stuck between the tics of the clock

I’m trying to keep my head up but I’m not 2pac

My hero had fallen down my undefeatable had been defeated

His life was stolen from him and I’m wondering for what reason

He is the reason that I am who I am today

Rest in Peace big bro I’ll catch you

Another day