Bounty Brand Paper Towels

By: Abbey Roschak

Bounty brand paper towels; you know it by name

“The quick picker upper”, thirst pockets

Outnumbering the leading brands not only in price

But in absorbency

Who would have thought that a simple household object

Could be comparable to humanly functions?

You see, I am quite absorbent myself

Believe everything I am told, that I hear

Even everything I say

Soak it all in through my fingertips, my skin

My veins, my bones, like a sponge

Make sure it gives me a chill, a rush

Even a little burn

But sometimes my absorbency wreaks havoc

On my outer shell, my soul

I, too, get crumpled and tossed to the side

Wasting away when I was once so strong

So reliable, so bounty brand paper towels

There’s only a limited amount of absorbency per sheet

That your apologies can live off of

Not only am I cleaning the same mess

But I am repeating the process of being

Re-used, re-deceived into thinking

That maybe, you’d get a stronger sheet

And clean your own mess