Box of Color Pencils

By: Rebecca Meyer

While walking in the art store today.

I overheard a color pencil box

With many things to say

“I don’t like the Red,” said the Orange

and Green said, “Nor do I”

and no one likes Yellow

But no one knows just why

“We are a box of color pencils

that don’t get along.”

Said Blue to all the others

“Something here is wrong.”

Well, I bought that box of color pencils.

And I took it home with me

And laid out all the colors

So the color pencils could all see

They watched me as I colored

With Red and Blue and Green

And Black and White and Orange

And every color in between

They watched as Green became the grass

And Blue became the sky

The Yellow sun was shining bright

On White clouds drifting by

Colors changing as they touched the paper

Becoming something new

They watched me as I colored

They watched until I was through

And when I finally finished

I began to walk away

And as I did the color pencil box

Had something new to say

“I do like Red,” said Orange

and Green said, “So do I”

and Blue you were terrific

so high up in the sky.

