
By: Michelle Chan

Falling , falling down to earth

toward the place I was given birth

I close my eyes and count to three

A sad requiem for an unknown dream.

Why is it that people of this nation

Are only in it for the fascination?

Always on the run

Just looking for more fun?

When no ones there

to even give a single care?

I look back and ask my friend this strange question

She looks out with the oddest expression,

and said, “We can change the world if we wanted”

A grin stretched across her face as she taunted.

I say, “Why can’t we change the world now?

Before it all comes tumbling down?”

People cry from the streets,

“Someone save me from this path.

Why did I deserve such wrath?”

It may sound greedy

And really quite needy

But I ask to travel to a land of perfection

Away from this world’s awful reflection.

Carry me off into the air

Lift me with care.

Spinning, twirling, and floating aimlessly around.

My head feels a bit airy.

Taken to a far away land

Hopefully it will be easier to understand.

As I picture a perfect world of gold

A venture thought of by young and old

The images pass by with the speed of light

Endlessly reaching out into the night

Clouds gray upon the disappearance of the sun

Why stop now the journey has begun

Excitement is bursting in me

As my eyes turn away to see

That this new world is just made of plastic

a world of uniformity

Everyone is swallowed up by their own stupidity

Their hearts of glass are fragile as such

And crumble with the slightest touch

Carry on by crying to sleep in their beds

Pretending that there was nothing wrong with their head.

They laugh the same, they talk the same

And wonder who is to blame

These people’s lies

Pile up towards the sky.

Is it impossible even for the wise

To think how these people can

Have a peaceful demise

My head tries to think up an action

To stop my heart from crushing

Under this reaction.

This place is no different than

The one before.

A realization that leaves me

Wailing on the floor.

A shadow figure comes from the alley

Leads me away from this sad reality

A shadow’s voice rings

“Quickly before you are

consumed by the darkness.

Go home where you belong,

back to Kansas.”

I came to behold

That what I was told

Was nothing but my blinded ambitions

To achieve my so called world peace visions.

On that journey to find my way

I learned an important lesson that day

Sometimes our suffering

Our every, waking, aching pains

Cannot be erased by the cold rains.

There is no youth or money flowing

From the fountains just a life of

Mountains hidden behind mountains.

Sometime thunder can’t block out

The noise, even those obnoxious

Teenage boys. Love and hate are

Two sides of the same coin

In life these two must join

My friend’s voice still rings clear,

“Give the world a second chance,

Like the time you thought you couldn’t dance.”

I’ll show all the rest

I won’t settle for the second best

My experiences from Oz

Were not a total lost cause

Just know that paths don’t always lead

To happy endings; be creative and stand out

And be known--this is your life--all your own.

My slow descent revealed that my reality

was never that distant.

And so I’ll tell you something,

“Only boring people are boring...”