
By: Meghan Dillon

The sun dawns upon me

Again I’m greeted to gasps of reality

Holding onto dreams I can disappear into 

until the day breaks, bright and true

Every morning I breathe incapabilities 

but I still wake with a certain heart

Knowing you’ll rise over the hill, I race to see

You are unaltered energy stirring motion in me.

Daylight settles, illuminating all I wish to know

If only I had run back 

to collect what was left of your horizon glow 

Because suddenly I notice you have shifted my shadow

I’m out of time. 

I search the soil for your reflection in raindrops dried

and I feel your warmth from above but can’t look to the sky 

Staring down to scorched ground or up to burn my eyes

You leave only one option, saying to me: 

It is now time to look ahead.

Take the first step as I set over your grand expanse

Don’t worry as my radiance fades

Instead let shivers send you into a celestial dance 

And in your discomfort you can find peace

knowing we’ll soon be pulled together again.

But don’t forget the night also has a special kind of embrace 

Draping you in shadows of unknown opportunity

And unmasking constellations that glitter of destiny

In places of doubt, remember that I have not abandoned you

Rather, my shift reminds that change always continues

Whether you find yourself in hours of safety or unease

Do not fight my movement, this is where you are meant to be. 

– Sincerely, 

The Sun