Empty Suitcase

By: Rylee Wilson

Some of us haven’t quite found a place

We wander with suitcases full of self-doubt and worry

We flit from person to person seeking acceptance

We run from place to place

searching for a passion where we can direct the never ending flow of time

so we can waste it in a straight line instead of in a zigzag

We search to find the point of our travels in the big things –

the lies we tell our teachers when we say we want to find a noble profession

that will give us a high income but

will not bring us happiness and won’t give us a place.

We seek our place in our friends

but they are a little different than us

How can they understand us

if we can’t understand ourselves?

It is like living in a home where

the roof is a mirage

and the walls are very real.

All we can do is wander in limbo

and hope the ideas of big dreams, place and happiness

were not a lie we were told

so the adults can feel better about themselves.