The Graveyard

By: Jessa Boutte

she walks

head bent against the cold

and the weight of grief

shoving her down

her black hair blows

in the wind around her head

i call out and she turns

her green eyes searching

for the dead that she can’t see

i remember my hair flowing

across the thin pillow

machine’s endless beeping

obliterating all other sound

the endless pain

crashes over in waves

she stands over me

says i’ll be alright

but i know i


the darkness descends

two voices

beaten and

silenced to


I end here

I turn my head

And look at the

Neat orderly


The grey and red showing even through the


The ground looks clod and hard and


The trees bend over

The weight of grief pushing them down

I remember her

Hair flowing

Green eyes laughing

On top of the world until she


The endless falling

And lies

Her black hair flowing over the pillow

I push it back and tell her she’ll be alright

But I know she won’t

Machine’s endless beeping silenced

Two voices

Beaten and

Silenced to


But I must continue