A Guitar, a Campfire, and a Spaceship

By: Isaac McKeag

Whistle a tune by the fire with me friend
There's whole worlds out there,
but right now you're on this one...
So take it in

Freedom is only a tool,
Soon, you'll see that.
Timber giants stand among us here,
They cannot walk, but their spirits are reinless

So whistle with me, an endless refrain
That you may have rest here, in these mountains
Among these forests,
And repair your vessel, to brave the vast emptiness beyond.

Do you hear that twinkling?
That deep hum as well?
It is the planet singing with us,
As we bind to it tonight

Choirs of bass redwoods,
And soprano birches from across this globe
Softly soar their voices out to meet ours
As terrors cower in the twilight.

The sky reverberates with glee
And our song marches on, to the edges
Of this box littered with stars

Look onward in silence, but remember this tune
Carry it with you. and bring it
To the far reaches of
This darkened existence

Visit me again, won't you?
After the sun explodes