
By: Anonymous

I hate

being short

the feeling of being left out

how I have to say stuff in front of everyone

answering questions in front of people even though I know it

how I don’t know stuff

I hate

how sometimes,

I’m mean,

to some people and pets

how I get bullied,

for something I can’t control

I hate

how my parents get mad and yell at me

how I cry a lot

how I don’t take a lot of risks

how I get so nervous and all worked up about stuff

I hate

how I do something that took me a long time to do,

and I think it’s awesome,

then someone else comes along,

and does something a lot better than what I did

I hate

that I can’t remember a lot of stuff

that I don’t understand some stuff,

and I don’t know how to ask for help

how people think I’m younger than I really am,

so I can’t do stuff people my age get to do