I Wonder

By: Emma Smith

I wonder.

I wonder who the person I’ll become in twenty years will be.

I wonder if I’ll be helping someone in desperate time of need,

or saving someone’s life on an empty street.

I wonder if the mountains I climb

Will be filled with sunshine as bright as the stars in the middle of summer,

Or rough and full of darkness like the clouds on a rainy afternoon.

I wonder if I’ll decide to travel the world.

Meeting people who will change my life along the way.

Or maybe crowds and crowds will look upon me,

Cheering and clapping for more and more,

Of what I have given to the world.

I wonder if someone will look upon me,

And want to follow exactly in my footsteps.

I wonder if I’ll seek dark empty holes along my journey,

That my mind will think I can never climb out of.

I wonder if the future that lies ahead is looking sunny.

I wonder if one day I’ll be able to fill in all these blanks.

All I know right now is that when I grow up,

All I want to be is happy