If Only

By: Linh Lam

If only that person were on the same planet.

If only that person were in the same hemisphere.

If only that person were in the same continent.

If only that person were in the same nation.

If only that person was in the same province.

If only that person was in the same county.

If only that person was in the same city.

If only that person was in the same town.

If only that person was in the same village.

If only that person was from the same generation.

If only that person was from the same religion.

If only that person was from the same social status.

If only that person was from the same ethnicity.

If only that person was from the same race.

If only that person was from the same nationality.

If only that person was the same age.

If only that person was the same height.

If only that person wasn’t the same gender.