Lonnie Jackson

By: Jacob McIntire

The days are piling up,

But I can’t move,

So little motivation,

Yet so much to prove.

I don’t want to be here,

But don’t know how to get away,

My only escape,

Is the game that I play.

I know that I’m good,

But for Cal I’m not great,

Playing for this wino,

Just fuels my hate.

He wants me to trust,

But what do I decide?

Do I play for him,

Or do I hide?

Now for Mary-Ann,

Foil Tyrone’s plot,

I never thought I’d do the right thing,

By giving up the final shot.

But now I wonder to myself,

What was the moment worth,

As we stand here mourning,

Knowing Cal will go in the dirt.

One more walk, with Mary-Ann,

College now, my future plan.

Now I am certain, my days will not pile,

That is at least, not for a while.