
By: Rachel Franklin

I. Blue chamber 

Take my hand, feel for flesh

beneath the glove, the mask

Catch the notes slipping through

the air (your fingers)

Dance until we die and await the


Listen closely.

We will come alive again

To Beauty and light off stained

glass and liquor off stained hands

When the laughter filling the

room suddenly.

II. Purple chamber

Pick up the tempo, lying in pieces

on the floor.

Let’s hold happiness close to our

chests and never talk of why

Kiss unfamiliar lips and pry off

masks with curious fingers

Guess, guess:

Who am I?

Who are you?

Why are we here aflame with

gaiety and glitter

When the world outside is aflame

with the Decay and screams of


Is that why when the clock

commands it, we

III. Green chamber 

We didn’t used to be this happy, don’t you

never want to remember?

But drowning in velvet you can’t come up for

air (your touches)

Can’t cry through the smiles. We are prisoners

to fancy.

Give me a gilded cage and I will throw away

the key.

The musicians are steeling themselves, watch,

Awaiting the second of bliss, when their world

can finally

 IV. Orange chamber

I have sealed this masquerade

Running through each separate room is

a murmur

A brush along your fingertips.

You could not feel me grasp your hand

and ask,

“Shall we?” Shall we rise above the


Leave the floor and feel the energy

pulse through the room


just…everything just

V. White chamber

I am the phantasm, the Avatar of hunger

But you danced a little too much like a

heartbeat (your life)

And I was too little like a pendulum with no

pit beneath it.

Dance. You will die. I will eat you alive

And blood will stain the shining floors

And blood will stain the dancers

And blood will stain the musicians

And the revelers

And the ebony clock will

VI. Violet chamber


VII. Red chamber

And each dies in the despairing posture of his


And the life of the ebony clock goes out with

the last of the gay (the final)

And the flames of the tripods expire

And Darkness and Decay

And I hold illimitable dominion over all.

Take a moment, look around, and