
By: Anonymous

I walk through halls, the halls of a school. 

It’s a lot different than it was

Just five weeks ago.

I now know quite a few kids now,

They thought of me as the new kid,

The outsider, I don’t know if they still do.

I think if they even thought I could be loyal,

that I won’t be a burden

I won’t ridicule them in front of their friends.

Why would I, when all I want is friends?

I think that I’m worthwhile because of those traits,

That they make me different from others.

I would want them to think of me,

As someone they could hang out with.

That’s all that really matters.

But it’s like trying to get past locked doors

Sometimes people open up and I seize my chance,

the chance to make a new friend.

I want to be someone,

that people aren’t scared to be seen with.

But that will still take some time.

It seems time is my enemy,

How long till I make friends,

How long till I find my place,

Everyone’s arms were open at first,

I made some great friends.

But now some arms are closed.

Since some arms are closed

I now have to find the gaps,

My old friends and I used to joke

About how bad it would be.

And now I am the one that moved,

It torments me like a laser light torments a cat.

But feels good when I make new friends

A bittersweet feeling

but now I have begun to accept it.

I just moved but now I don’t mind

It’s good for me.

But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.