My Brother

By: Grace Hoskins

He makes me laugh

He makes me smile

We goof off

He sees a side of me that no one else sees

The silly side the ridiculous side

The “Let’s make up a word to mean this” side

We have each other’s back

He runs

I mean he runs

Like no one I’ve ever seen run

People notice

Sports come easy

He doesn’t have to practice much

He plays almost  every sport

People notice

He’s kind, he has a love for helping others

He loves animals, talks sweet to our dogs

He’s strong willed, as stubborn as could be

He’s a character, he makes the funniest faces

He’s very competitive, but always  unselfish

We play, we practice sports, we do anything,  as long as we’re together

I do stuff for him

He does stuff for me

We have an unbreakable bond

He looks up to me

He sees his big sister, he adores me

I  look up to him, he  humbles me

We share a home

We share our things

We share a love

We share an unbreakable bond

We share being adopted

We are also different 

I’m 13

He’s 8

I have straight hair

He has curly hair

I have blond hair

He has black hair

I have light skin

He has dark skin

Our love is defined by our bond… not our skin color