In my final moments

By: Sankara “Le prince heritier” Olama-Yai

I hear the gunshot, I do not see 

The bullet but I know it’s coming 

Aimed to perforate my skull 

They say your life flashes, once death’s 

Shadow is on your tail and grips you in 

Your terror’s wake. I have 0.05 seconds 

To let my spirit divulge the entirety 

Of my fickle existence on this earth 

A fraction of a second is enough 

The moments in our life that matter, when 

You cut away the excess, the lazy days that 

We lay waste, not knowing time’s hot sands 

Were slipping through our ignorant fingertips 

Those true moments that define us are but truly 

A flash of frozen time. A solemn stream of consciousness 

Broken shards of memory, crippling like autumn leaves 

Beneath my foot. I feel my soul drown in those regrets 

I feel them like never before, tiny needles that pierce 

The thin skin that layers me like a warm winter blanket 

I’m drowning in a beautiful mirage of a life that might’ve 

Blossomed had I made the right choices