Time’s Beauty

By: Willow Vaughn

Time is a girl with curly hair that bounces with every step and twirl she takes

She talks with her hands but never fails to find the right word to say

She can be by your side one second and gone the next

Getting lost in the crowd is fun to her

She is bipolar with moods that seem too intense to handle, but somehow she does

Her tears come like storms, heavy and all at once

Her anger feels like an earthquake that shakes the world beneath her feet

She likes to tangle her hands in people’s hair

Her sleeves are dyed with stains of paint and blood

There are small calluses on the sides of her fingers

Her shoulders are weighed down but her back is always straight and proud

Her smile is watery; sad but hopeful

She enjoys the theater and art museums 

There is always soil under her fingernails

Modern medical practices fascinate her

She doesn’t know what career she wants; says there are too many to choose from

Hard candy is her favorite, especially the coffee flavored ones

Her eyes are brown like a worn leather journal

She knows all of the past and present, but never the future

She can’t keep secrets

When she smiles, everything around her seems to stop

Time is a girl, and she is beautiful