Tiny Little Things

By: Regan Erwin

lightly sunkissed skin and bright grey blue eyes

sympathetic, funny, crazy

daughter of a caring, loving mom named Carmen

who loves…

making new memories

gaining more friends


laughing so hard my stomach hurts

who fears….

slithery, slimy, snakes

losing somebody I love


getting made fun of

who wishes…

drama did not exist

math was easier


everybody felt loved

who creates…

good memories

somewhat good grades


no drama

who wonders…

what my life will be like when I’m older

what I will get for Christmas


where my mom hid the rest of my Halloween candy

who dreams…

to make good money when I’m older

for my sister and me to be closer


of a perfect world where everyone is loved

who remembers…

the time I got my fluffball dog


not caring what others thought of me when I was younger

who believes…

that everything happens for a reason