By: Caroline Stickney

In a rare process called transdifferentiation, the turritopsis dohrnii 
(known as the immortal jellyfish) can, in response to physical danger, 
leap back to its first stage of life as a polyp. The born-again polyp 
eventually buds and releases medusae that are genetically identical 
to the injured adult.

i go back. i begin again.

i attach myself to my own beginnings, fitted into ancient bone 
i release from the home i’ve known and known and known. 
i drift into familiar darkness like my own wet moon. 
i hold the world close and i let it go. 
i open every chamber of myself and see the same selves reflected back at me. 
i ignore the truth that i am alive because i am the only one left to remember. 
i feel each pain until it rattles the same. 
i survive every flood and every fire.  
i live and live and live.  
i sicken at the sight of myself — surrounded, surrounded.  
i watch the same waves collapse and collapse and collapse.  
i rip a great hole in my side just to see what pours out.  
i watch my life beat out into the water, watch it go again   
    and again and again.   
i fit myself in this new body, awaiting return.

i go back. i begin again.