
By: Jack

This place, that place, there are so many in which I can be,

But I choose that one, the one where I can be free.

It can be a place where the sun shines at the crack of dawn,

A place that is so dreamy it can make me yawn.

This place is there for me night and day,

This place is where I can hide away.

This place comes with a morning breeze,

It comes with the buzzing of bees.

And then…

The pages unfold,

A story never told.

And the magical moment…

When everything fades away…

I no longer see what was once there before,

For I am not here, nor there,

I’m in an undiscovered place,

At the edge of the world,

Where only imagination can reach.

And the events…

They are found between the leaves.

This world is everywhere I can possibly go,

I can be on a secret mission, or on a pretty meadow.

This place is of my choice,

The possibilities are endless,

There are no limits, restraints, or any restrictions,

This place is where my mind explores,

The treasures of dreams that flood through the scores of sheets.

This place comes with something magical and special.

It comes with something many will not view,

For it is something that has to come within.

And the magical moment…

When everything fades away…

I no longer see what was once there before.