
By: Anonymous

You say it makes no difference who I am

and how I choose to express it.

You’ll say this through clenched teeth.

You’ll say this and you’ll tell yourself

It’s better that I take my time -now-

better that I get it out of my system.

Looking back on all of life’s regrets

you regret never teaching me to make a decision

or to take a risk.

I suppose said risks have to be the ones you like.

I’ll take your advice

and say what I will.

You’ll be okay.

You say this now.

But I know when this is over

and the damage has been done

you’ll fight your tears and pray


some boy will come along to silence me.


You’ll punish me

for not sharing in the dream

you have for me.

It’s not lust, neither love nor humanity

it’s nothing more than emotional immaturity,

a sturdy umbrella that protects you from anything

and everything you can’t explain


to control.