
By: Dustin Robinson

What is this nonsense that a school represents?

It teaches the ways of a trained money controlling society

I dwell in the essence of my mind knowing they don’t have me convinced

I’m an individual and I will not be another part of the variety

I dwell in the essence of my heart to divide me

I need to learn a lesson in love, compassion, and generosity

That school won’t teach so I pray to god to guide me

This is what I feel and I’m not hiding behind a philosophy

What is an education?

It’s not about a job or living a lavish life or having a career

But that’s what they call it in the freedomless nation

Because when I die it will only be you in the mirror

I was once upon a time controlled by fear

Fear is what powers evil

I love and pray to my god

But I won’t bow my head to an occult’s steeple

That is made up of nonsense religious people

But yet I’m very spiritual

There are those ones in the church that divine evil

That’s why I don’t fall underneath the steeple

I only ask god to give me wisdom and understanding

All things happen for a reason even the reprimanding

I ask him to answer my prayers

He holds me up that’s why I’m still standing