Where I’m From

By: Emme Mackenzie

I am from

the expressions of my people

flattened nose and slits for eyes

leathery skin and cricks in my back

each feature of mine

a reflection of my family heritage

I am from

the calloused feet of my grandparents

step after step they walked towards a better future

flew on their first airplane to the USA

and called California the gates of heaven

a miracle that they made it off of a life’s savings

I am from

the broken Tagalog conversations over the phone

the signal offers us more connection than the similar

blood running through both of our veins

roasted plantains on the dinner table

foreign spices and sun damaged over-worked hands

I am from

half and half milk

split down the middle between two distinct colors, countries

I am from the moment of hesitation before bubbling

in “Asian” under what race I am for the ACT

I am from

the salt of the southern oceans

drying out the culture inside of me

I struggle to hold on to my past

the pieces of me halfway across the world

pieces of myself that I’ve never felt so far away from