Who I Want To Be

By: Shantha Burt

Of all the questions,

one stands out.

Who do you want to be?

I want to be someone whose life is overflowing with adventure.

I want to travel and explore.

It would be great to see monuments as bold as stars.

I want to have as much fun as a kid with a balloon.

I would love to tour the wonderful world,

or make new discoveries.

I want to do exciting and exotic things.

It would be nice to look back and be able to tell stories about my life.

I want to have success and achieve my goals.

I want to feel honorable.

In the most brutal times,

I want to be able to summon my perseverance,

and not give up.

No matter how tough it gets,

I want to be able to have as much courage as a warrior,

and overcome my fails and falls.

I can get through it.

I believe in myself.

I want to be someone whose life is overflowing with adventure.