
By: Michele Ortiz

My life is trapped inside glass walls

I try hard to make them fall

But nothing can penetrate them

The only escape is around the rim

I’m stuck to the earth around me

Hoping one day to be free

I try to grow over the rim when it’s low

But it seems to rise each time I grow

If the walls see weakness in me

They’ll try to find a way to break me

I hide my true feelings from them

Praying they won’t detect my feelings within

Who could ever be loved behind glass walls?

Not being able to go anywhere at all

One day a bird flew over me

Said that he could love me

He said he could make my life complete

Instead of every day feeling so obsolete

I was glad he flew my way

Now I feel happier day by day

As the walls watch the bird fly above

They couldn’t stop him from sending me his love

The greatest thing in life is love

And I got mine from above