


By Annie Barry

Embers in my hair, black dust getting to my lungs. Red, yellow, purple, blue fire in front of me, behind me, beside me. Above and below me. Within me.


By Lauren Engelken

All I’ve ever wanted is independence from everyone and to live my own life. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve never had that before living with a large family and controlling parents but it’s something I always long for.


By Delaney Herman

I’m torn between two worlds

One where I’m accepted from what I’ve become

And another where I’m hated for who I’ve been.

Each day I walk the line between the worlds

Trying to keep each other apart

But I know one day I will fail


By Michele Ortiz

My life is trapped inside glass walls

I try hard to make them fall

But nothing can penetrate them

The only escape is around the rim

I’m stuck to the earth around me

Hoping one day to be free

I try to grow over the rim when it’s low

My Own Thoughts

By Morgan Shaffer

Sometimes I think you’re doing this on purpose,

Locking me up inside.

With no light seeping through.

My skin turning pale,

My hope being lost.

Leaving me by myself,

A world so alone.

I feel trapped in a prison,


By Heather Martin

Hatred melts away

Madness peels back from my mind

Wrongs are diluted

Accompany me

To a place so far away

Let us reside there

Sit in wait of me

Yet we are still together

Take long walks with me


By Erin Ashley

The mountain trail is steep, and even I am having a hard time staying upright. The ridge I’m on is rocky and desolate, and I am the only thing moving. My chest is heaving as I struggle over the treacherous granite.

Gone and Now I’m Free

By Hannah E. Jenkins

The hate that lived within

me, that inhabited my very core


It has no home with me anymore

I’ve let it go

It no longer rules me

Steve Harmon, age 16: Prisoner

By Paige Breyfogle

They say they help,

They ain’t no good.

Ask for food,

Barely get kelp.

I wish I could just be

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