From Dusk Till Dawn

By: Brooke Shippee

From dusk till dawn 

I search,

I look

From town to town,

This person I am told can give

A smile for every frown.

Up and down

These hills I look

I never seem to find

That person I am looking for,

Who is loving and so kind.

This person, I have heard

Is beautiful and true.

This person, I am told,

No one ever seemed to know.

Were they tall?

Were they short?

Were they skinny, round or droll?

Is that why they went away?

So oddly-shaped and quirky?

Was it genius? Was it madness?

Their mind mysteriously murky?

Perhaps they were the same.

A changeless, consistent routine.

Similar like all those around,

Not a difference in between.

The people I have asked--they know,

They tell me not a single lie,

And as I search and sing this song,

I see a tear in every eye.

From dusk till dawn

I search,

I look

From town to town,

A soothing song for every cry,

A smile for every frown.

I never stop to rest a tick,

My search will never tire

For this person I await,

This person I inquire.

Hot pursuit and on the trail

For this whimsical, invisible being

Every moment I think I see them


I catch them hurriedly fleeing.

Away from me, further and further

I turn my back to see them


Lurking behind a darkened door,

Under every hidden stair.

From dusk till dawn

I search

From town to town

I find

That simple song for every cry

That smile for every frown.

And so here, it seems, my search must stop,

This person never seems to be.

Because this person I am longing for

That person here is me.