
By: Anonymous

To my vocal chords ring


That you could be me

You fall for me like Autumn leaves

I am pollen in the Spring

You love me, but I am your allergy

The stage, I’m on it

The light, I want it

‘cause I’ll discuss the truth with all of you

The blues, I fought it 

Wave maker, heart breaker

Speaking urgently like we’re all in danger

I been saying words

So have you heard

This is for the common good

The rumor, the word,

She brightens the world

Dude, I heard that

Audrey been singing

80 songs a day

Since age 8

She made great

New melodies, with her guitar she’ll play

… I’m being honest like that sweet green tea

Not popular, but healthy

My mouth’s the open mic

My heart is the MC

My brain’s the only part thinking logically

Better than Selena when I write words

A soul singer

…No really, I stole singers

Listen, open your ears to me

It’s necessary that you heard

Because I’m like your wifi password

My ego is Blue’s Clues 

A mystery, I don’t know what to do

But hope I’m not misconstrued

I’m trapped in my metaphors

But, I’ll open the cage for you

It was right there

You knew I had to pull the trigger

Cause if I’m given bullets to good lyrics, I’m gonna shoot ‘em

A play on words

A simile

A story of how I came to be

A helpful nerd who struggles

A girl who still doesn’t know how she’ll fit in the world’s puzzle

Listen, these other singers got me wishin’

Their voices shake me

And I don’t belong to be on a stage where they once stood

I been on this Earth enough time to know

When lyrics are powerful enough to get emotional

Believe that there’s more than just a flow

And listen loud enough to grow

Cause there’s a seed in every body

Thirsting for nourishment,

the words that speak to it

I’ve seen death,

And I’ve seen life

But a metaphor, a melody, a mic, musical style

Helped me believe I am worth while

So I confess I’m afraid of when the song decays

Cause when I played

They heard my voice, but now the outro fades

I gotta leave the stage

So I apologize for any arrogance

I may have portrayed when strummin’ this

Attempting to leave my everything

Up on the stage, forgive me

People tell me I can sing

My mind tells me they don’t know a thing

I’ve left my heart in my guitar strings

When I play, you hear it calling

But I still thank the audience for listening to my anthem

For allowing me to sing about

My glass heart and how it shatters

Tears will stream on the pages as I close this chapter

This for the ones with no ears to listen,

Every voice who has been

Singing all along