

loop pedal

By Ava Shropshire

reverbs of rhythm surround me, and
the aftermath of melodies float – circling my existence.
my thoughts are still, as my fingers
gently pluck the strings of my fender strat.

Scarlet Hall

By Jaden Gragg

Hearing the phantom calls of the organ,

And the soft murmur of the church choir,

Awakened from sleep with a feeling she couldn’t describe,

She got out of bed and followed it outside.

A careful mist lay over her small town, a light shield of protection.

Normandy, music & lyrics by

By Phil Roach

A soldier dies on the battlefield on a beach in Normandy just barely old enough to shave and

just off papas knee buried in the ground with theses final words


Dear ma and pa im doin fine here overseas I send my love from me and John and the

The Song Within

By Emy Blake

The lovely tune sounding brilliantly through the air

Wonderful feelings as the clear notes catch

The song shines and gleams, its rays golden and fair

Who We Are

By Blaire Ginsburg

Who dreams?

Who dares to enter such a realm?

Visions, fleeting,

Escaping with the waking flutter,

Living on bated breath

And translucent promises of

A world all your own;

A world anew.


By Laurel Foderberg

For months, I’ve been waiting for this day. Not only is it the first day of

summer, but it’s also the day I will get to see some of my favorite bands. I

imagined May thirty-first a million different ways, and hoped most for a nice,

The Workstation

By Steven McPherson


Mental Silence

Physical Noise

“Click Clack Clickity Clackity Click Click Clack”

The Blue Switch Thermaltake Poseidon Z Mechanical Keyboard speaks a special language to me

A language that is only understood by a certain herd of people

Me & the Music

By Ella Graham

The curtain rises,

anxiety and nervousness,

but the nerves vanish.

The lights hit me,

a warm and incomparable sensation.

Lines once memorized,


Few moments of panic are gone,

it’s just me and the music.

My Song

By Abby Sublett

It’s hard to find who I am.

I know this could take long.

What sets me and others apart?

Where do I choose to stand?

I want answers to appear like the bang of a gong.

Reaching down into my heart,

or searching up above.

The Melody

By Saadia Siddiqua

Standing alone, solo

In the darkest shadows

She would pour her forte emotion into piano whispers

Although she is afraid now, her goal never blurs

elegance and harmony

By Anonymous

my fingers rest above the piano

and their shadows trace my presence

upon its ivory white keys. i

inhale, my fingers rising gently, and i

exhale, pushing into the keys,

ringing several notes at a time.

the world of song

By Alice Crist

The world of song is like a gentle stroke of a paint brush on a canvas creating what ever beautiful creation you desire.  

Ode to Saxophone

By Ali Robinson

I awaken you from your slumber,

as I slide you out of your safe, velvet bed.

I ask you to help me play the tunes

that dance around in my head.

I taste the sweet cleanser that resides on your reed,

as I dampen it, 


By Anonymous

To my vocal chords ring


That you could be me

You fall for me like Autumn leaves

I am pollen in the Spring

You love me, but I am your allergy


By Anonymous

Trembling fingers, and one deep breath.

Eyes closed as the tips of his fingers

Grace the smooth edge of the ivory washed keys.

And the notes on the page jump out at him –

Decrescendo here! Forte there! A trill now!