
By: Haley Claxton

A warm soft breeze blows

The sun descends from the sky.

The scene is peaceful.

You gaze upon it,

And know the sun will return,

Soon in the morning.

That thought makes you glad,

As you walk back to your home

From the grassy hill.

There is so much joy

In our harsh and hateful world;

We must search for it.

Find some small beauty

In every short, passing day

And you will find life.

And you will find love.

And you will find happiness.

And you will find peace.

You look to a bush,

Where a small flower opens

Amongst the sharp thorns.

Look now to the sky,

To find the silver lining,

In the dark storm clouds,

That are sure to bring

Thunder, lightning, and new life.

See; all can be good