

I Wish

By Anonymous

I wish…

I could run like an Olympian

I could draw without restrictions

I could dance like nobody is watching

I could sing as pretty as a mockingbird

I wish…

I could be a world traveler


By Gage Oshman

I wish

I had a tree house

One to sit in all day with my spouse

I would read to the leaves

Feel my hair move with the breeze

A tree supporting so much

Like a caring father that does such

The power to hold all

Being Cosmic Dancers: because what else would we be?

By Jaden Gragg

We live on our floating planet,

this hunk, this rock,

we are so small. 


By Theo Elliot Goodloe

On the third day, we took the shortest way

Climbed a mountain and I stayed

Found my wings, and dropped down

While I died, heard a sound

And the sound told me things

That had once pulled my strings

Then I saw my true self

White Death

By Rachel Karner

Daring to yearn for freedom as

the doors of your prison open

the view of white death before you

all of your small hopes broken

standing in a door between hell’s

cold fingers brush your skin

beautiful death covers the hills


By Anna Jones

Built into the foundation

Of this very earth

Is a virtue,

More mysterious,

More powerful

Than life itself.


By Gage Oshman

I wish

had a tree house

One to sit in all day with my spouse

I would read to the leaves

Feel my hair move with the breeze

A tree supporting so much

Like a caring father that does such

The power to hold all

Scared Loveless

By Zoë Christianson

I wish that I could speak my mind more easily.

I wish I didn’t fall in love so easily

and that it weren’t so obvious.

Behind a stone cold shell

By Dusti Lewis

Get behind the eight ball she said, which I had yet to understand. She said

it meant to look ahead to the future. I sat

there contemplating this saying for a while, and as I fell into

a deep slumber my thoughts ran free. Thinking of our future--

Make It What You Want

By Hailey Cannon

Wake up

Do my hair

Put makeup on

So they don’t stare

Wait a minute

Nothing’s wrong with me

I have friends

And a family

Could It Be Better Tomorrow?

By Matt Logan

An act of courage is what I call,

 In the eye of a parent a plummeting fall.

An hour-long lecture will send him on his way.

 It just seems like another reason to run away.

These are words of wisdom you should borrow.

Locked Out

By Anonymous

I look at them around me

Those who with my choices disagree

My eyes drop

They’re staring

Quickly judging what they see.

Outside Looking In

By Connor Rice

My head tends to spin

Because I’m on the outside looking in

My heart starts to yearn

The secrets of friendship I wish to learn

I want to be inside

And to be filled with pride

I can imagine myself in there

What’s Inside of You?

By David Henderson

“To Strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”

Thou shalt never give up,

What is rightfully his,

Never whimper away from fears,

Never give away their tears,

Fight for what is right,

Inside the brightest of light,

Here I Am

By Justin Boicourt

I’m here,


No one sees me.

I walk through,


Like the truth

Behind the mirror.

For me,

They have blind eyes

Of icy blue.

To get in

I jump the fence.


By Emmy Hartman


I wait for


I sit quietly

and picture


wondering if

you will still



By Brittani Ball

What shall be wrong with me?

What shall I fear

What shall be wrong with me

is nothing I fear


If I shall fear what is wrong with me

I shall only fear myself

Even though you shall see me

you shall not know.

Drip Drop

By Maggie May Price

Today is one of those days, where everyone stops to take a minute and appreciate what we have, rather than what we want. We worry about the tiny little things in life that don’t matter, instead of the things that can change our life. Today is one of those days.


By Margot Newcomer

Standing on this stage, my life flashing before

My eyes, I remember a time of Youthful

Bliss where the impossible was possible.

Yes, I am a Dreamer

By Mary Kaitlan Schmitt

Yeah, I’m a dreamer,

I dream of so many things.

But do you know what separates all

you other dreamers from me?

You all actually work to achieve your

dreams, you

dream about the future and what you

want to become.

The Song Within

By Emy Blake

The lovely tune sounding brilliantly through the air

Wonderful feelings as the clear notes catch

The song shines and gleams, its rays golden and fair

Words Can Move Mountains

By Rachel Franklin

There is a thing that is stronger than yourself,

That is from you; its plan is one of stealth.

White-hot insults out of a mouth are poured,

Never underestimate the power of a word!

Gone and Now I’m Free

By Hannah E. Jenkins

The hate that lived within

me, that inhabited my very core


It has no home with me anymore

I’ve let it go

It no longer rules me

My Future

By Elizabeth Mwalisansa

I think more about my future

I can't understand my future

I see that future is very difficult 


By Chris Padgett

Speak in your whispers, yet love me the same,

Wrap me in wings of comfort that tears can't absolve,

See through the struggles were new paths evolve,

your silence lies down beside me with only repetitive breath,

Light in Darkness

By Becky Reilly

A star, bright, sky’s diamond

Yellow, blue, white, green

A shinier object

Mine eyes have not seen

I have not been told

Of a more unique thing

Not light itself, music,

A crystal, a ring


By Haley Claxton

A warm soft breeze blows

The sun descends from the sky.

The scene is peaceful.

You gaze upon it,

And know the sun will return,

Soon in the morning.

I believe.

By Bailey Tulluch

I believe.

That everything means something,

and one thing can mean everything.

I believe.

That every little mockingbird

deserves a chance to sing.

Crying for the Beauty

By Catherine Strayhall

With winter gone, she can THROW her window open wide

With spring arriving, she can dance in bright SUNSHINE.

This is what it is to LIVE without regret;

To know she can NEVER FORGET, only move on.

With BLUE above, so open, so clear and bright

In The Morning

By Elly Herman

In the morning, I open my eyes

Sit up and stretch, and let out small cries.

I wiggle my toes, and crinkle my nose,

And get out of bed to the sound of rooster crows.

I slip on my jeans, and my long furry coat,