Boy was on a Cloud

By: Ayah Abdul Rauf

Hallo there boy

You're just a child

Play on the fluffy cloud

In the air.

Think of nothing.

Until you fall

Fall a man

Live a man

Die a man

And the tall ones, they all say:

Enjoy your time here, little one

While you can ...

Before we come to take you away.

When you will fall

Fall a man

Live a man

Die a man.

You pay no heed

You want to rebel

So you don't enjoy your time, and play.

You think instead

And you think

And think


And those thoughts will weigh you down

And the tall ones will come again

To bind you with your own thoughts.

The weight will grow

And grow

You are too heavy for the cloud,

You will crash down to the ground below.

And you will scream

And you will shout

And you will protest with all your might-,

So you fall

Fall a man

Live a man

Die a man

Crash into the mud below

Have a moment to recuperate.

Just a moment.

No more than a moment-,

Life drags you upward again

Your thoughts:

They will run like iron in your marrow

Like thin veins inside your eyes

They fill every crevice of your brain

Slosh like acid in your skull

Intertwine with your soul.

Ideas flourish. So then for a moment,

But a moment,

You live, live a man. 

Then you die.
