Sandra Revelle
Johnson County Library is pleased to announce that Sandra Revelle has won our writing contest on the theme of Ekphrasis with her piece "Diamonds." "Diamonds" is a written response to the image of Ruth Wilson Gilmore by Patricia Streeper which can be seen in "Patricia Streeper: Women's Work, Portraits of Strength and Contribution."
Sandra Revelle is primarily a textile artist and short story writer. Her art can be found at Remnantsarise.com
You ask why I stand with head erect; arms crossed in defiant confidence?
What kind of shields cascade down my body, these locs of redeeming silver?
Who am I to look at you with side peering eyes through wired rims?
I give you a break with my sidewise stare. A dead-on look would be too much. The fire of my
passion would melt you.
Witnesses in the parade tell my story. As far as the eye can see, march those set free by my
burning passion. That dust does not settle but rises up in the atmosphere.
I stand like a Phoenix, poised in gemstone ashes, rising from the takedown of corruption.
Brilliance rises as freedom, hope, and justice.
My fire, that inner inferno, matched the flames of those denying, resisting my truth. Truth, I
wrestled for against all odds.
I raise my chin, pride in my stance, arms crossed from the success and continued defeat in this
wrestling match. I matched the tidal wave of roaring heat of opposition with holy water, dousing
the flames. Me, not consumed. Burned. Scorched. Yes, but alive!
I rise like a Phoenix with holy determination. Meeting my purpose, face to face, fighting fire
with fire. Diamonds come from the depths by intense heat, and pressure. Hot! The pressure is on.
I won! Still winning. Those freed in mind and body join the march for equality. Living
diamonds. Leading. Living. Growing. Giving. Free.