Demon Copperhead

scenes from the book
Kingsolver, Barbara
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
May 13, 2023


Imagine you want to write about the opioid epidemic in Appalachia, a place you are from and have loved your whole life. Then imagine you are on a book tour in England and stay in Charles Dickens’s house, Bleak House, and you sit at his desk and lay your head down and ask the master writer, how? And you receive the answer, “let the orphan tell the story.” And with that, Demon Copperhead, a retelling of David Copperfield, is born. 

This is the origin story of Barbara Kingsolver's newest book, Demon Copperhead. The author of numerous stunning works of literature since 1988, Kingsolver was born and raised in Appalachia and adds her voice to the conversation of addiction and the devastating effects it has on community, family, and the individual.


Reviewed by Cheryl M.
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