Students of all ages are tasked by their instructors to track down relevant primary sources for academic research papers. These assignments can be both thrilling and stressful. You must pick a topic, learn what and where to research, write the paper, and cite your sources. I have a master’s degree in English, so I’ve been there. The struggle is real. The Johnson County Library offers patrons free access to several online databases spanning various disciplines to satisfy your academic research needs— and hopefully alleviate some of the stress. Several of these databases will even automatically generate citations in various styles, including MLA (Modern Language Association) and APA (American Psychological Association).
What is a primary source? According to Harvard Library, “Primary sources provide first-hand testimony or direct evidence concerning a topic under investigation. They are created by witnesses or recorders who experienced the events or conditions being documented. Often these sources are created at the time when events or conditions are occurring, but primary sources can also include autobiographies, memoirs, and oral histories recorded later. Primary sources are characterized by their content, regardless of the format available. Some types of primary sources: Original documents (excerpts or translations acceptable)— diaries, speeches, manuscripts, letters, interviews, news film footage, contemporary newspaper articles, autobiographies, official records, pamphlets, meeting notes, census or economic statistics, photographs, contemporary sketches. Creative works— Poetry, drama, novels, music, art. Relics or artifacts— Furniture, clothing, buildings.” https://guides.library.harvard.edu/histsciinfo/primary
The Diary of A Young Girl by Anne Frank, for example, is the one of the most well-known primary sources people read to learn about the history and horrors of the Holocaust. It’s the first-hand testimony, in diary form, of Anne Frank, a European Jew who hid for two years with her family to avoid Nazi persecution. She recorded her fears, hopes, and experiences.
Where do you find primary sources on Johnson County Library’s website? There is a research database presented by Infobase: African American History, a research database presented by Explora an EBSCOhost Experience: History Research Source, and twelve research databases presented by Gale Primary Sources. To access these databases, go to Johnson County Library’s website, select “Research,” then select “Databases A-Z,” then select “A” for “African American History,” “H” for “History Reference Source” or “P” for Primary Sources (Gale).
Database presented by Infobase:
African-American History provides access to more than 500 years of African-American history, culture and experience ranging from the slave trade to civil rights movements and beyond and biographies of historical figures. Explore topics through curated key content and topic centers and engage in deep exploration of comprehensive articles, primary sources, videos, images, maps, book chapters and more. This database includes additional research tools designed for researchers, students and educators like searchable timelines, sharable slideshows and curriculum overviews. Search by subject, such as Jim Crow Era, Harlem Renaissance, Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and Black Women in American History. You can also search by Era, such as Africa, Colonization, and the Slave Trade: Beginnings- 1819, Segregation, Migration and the Beginnings of Protest: 1877-1928, World War II and the Start of Desegregation: 1941-1954 and Expansion of Opportunities: 1972-Present. You can browse through their Primary Sources by selecting “Primary Sources” under the “Browse Resources” menu on the right and then filter by subject or Era or by selecting “Featured Primary Sources” and filter by subject or Era. African-American History is an essential database for researchers needing primary sources for African American history research projects.
Database presented by Explora an EBSCOhost Experience:
History Reference Source, made available through the State Library of Kansas, provides access to articles from history-related reference books, encyclopedias, non-fiction books and journals. You can also explore historical documents, biographies of historical figures, historical photographs, maps and more than 80 hours of historical video. Search for primary sources by selecting from available topics: Early Civilizations, U.S. History, World History, Events and Movements, Civics and Government, Women’s History, Military History, Wars and Conflicts, Regions and Landmarks, and Economics and Finance. When you narrow down your subtopic a “Topic Overview” article from Salam Press Encyclopedia is available to read to learn more. Next, select “View all results,” then “Source type” in the menu options, then “Primary Source Documents.” Please be advised that not all topics include primary source documents. A second way to search for primary sources is to select Advanced Search then type in a research keyword(s), then under “Publication Type” select “Primary Source Document.” History Reference Source is an essential database for researchers needing primary sources for their U.S. and world history-related research projects.
Databases presented by Gale Primary Sources: Since there are twelve databases in Gale Primary Sources, I’m only going to highlight two that match my personal interests. I recommend exploring Gale Primary Sources to see all the disciplines for ones that might match your interests or area(s) of study.
Indigenous Peoples of North America is a primary source archive that enables exploration of the political, social, and cultural history of native peoples from the sixteenth century well into the twentieth century. This collection covers the history of the American Indian tribes and supporting organizations in a comprehensive yet personal way. Topics of interest include trade and communication, Arctic exploration and tribes, the Iroquois Confederation, Canadian Catholic Indian missions, Indian removal, Indian wars and the frontier army, establishment of the Canadian Indian and Aboriginal Department, Indian delegations and Indian-federal relations, Canadian Indian treaty policy, government boarding and missionary schools and curricula, Dawes Severalty and the allotment system, dances and festivals, Alaskan Indian policies, Indian languages and linguistics, assimilation and the Indian New Deal, relocation, termination, the Indian Claims Commission, water and fishing rights, civil rights, radicalism, poverty, and the American Indian movement. Indigenous Peoples of North America archive is an essential database for researchers working in Indigenous Studies.
Women’s Studies Archive is a primary source archive featuring documents that present the roles, history, experiences and achievements of women in 19th and 20th century society through articles, diaries, speeches, images and more from across the globe. Much of history is one-sided, focusing mainly on the male perspective and leaving women’s voices unheard. This archive brings women’s stories to light. It focuses on the evolution of feminism throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and covers topical categories related to women’s political activism, such as suffrage, birth control, pacifism, civil rights, socialism, and mental health. By affording the opportunity to witness female perspectives, Women’s Studies Archive is an essential database for researchers working in Women’s History, Gender Studies, Literature, and Social History.
Now that you are armed with reliable research tools and information, all you need is a topic. If you learn best by observing, visit any of our branches to get an in-person tutorial from one of our knowledgeable librarians. We will have you ready to tackle any academic challenge with bolstered confidence and research skills. These databases are not just for student use. If you enjoy the act of learning, they are for you too. Start exploring now and see what historical gems you unearth.