Game Change by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin

May 26, 2010

Game Change by John Heilemann and Mark HalperinIf you like reading about politics and examining the different strategies of the candidates to win the office of the presidency, and what happens in the real world when you put those thoughts and ideas into play, you will enjoy this book! I know I did. It helps to be a political junkie, but it isn’t absolutely necessary. It is clear from the book that Obama’s campaign was streamlined and focused in comparison to the others and the top people were single minded in their quest for the presidency. Hillary Clinton’s campaign was plagued by political infighting and a sense of entitlement and the McCain/Palin campaign never was anything more than a sideshow. I liked how the reader is taken behind the façade to see what the players are thinking and maneuvering to advance their cause--Don

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